Some questions you may have
Will my child be safe here?
Yes, children’s health and safety are at our service core. We are a child safe organisation and acknowledge that the safety and wellbeing of each child is paramount.
Will my child receive lots of attention?
Yes, your child will feel happy, secure and engaged in their learning environment. We put children first in everything we do.
Will my child be content, comfortable and happy?
Yes, our educators offer warmth, flexibility and nurturing care.
Will my child be with adults who are warm, loving and caring?
Yes, all our educators are mature caring, supportive warm professionals. Our preschool recruits and maintains the best people to work with children.
Will my child form friendships with others?
Yes, we provide a fun safe environment for children’s play.
Will my child learn as they play?
Yes, we offer a play-based curriculum based on the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF).
Will I be given information about what is happening?
Yes, through daily interaction, good communication, newsletter emails, phone, family pocket, displays and curriculum and parent information boards.
Will I have input into my child’s preschool day?
Yes, working together parents and educators can enhance a child’s learning and wellbeing (shared decision-making). We will keep in touch with you regularly to discuss your child’s progress.