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Term 3 Catchup

Cooranbong Community Preschool

We have had a very busy start to Term 3! We have three new enrolments, a Photo day and the Preschool’s official Rating and Assessment (A & R) visit.

On Wednesday 5th August a regulatory departmental officer visited the preschool premises from 9.30am-2.30pm to observe our learning environment and educator day to day practice with the children. She also checked to see if the preschool was following all compliance, health and safety measures.

On Friday morning Averil and I participated in a three hour meeting with the officer, during the meeting we further discussed our preschool philosophy, practices and processes.

Our fingers are crossed that we provided an genuine insight into the caring, support and learning educators strive to give all our families and children. It will be several weeks before we receive a draft copy of the A & R report findings, until then my hope is that we shone a deserving light on our preschool community of practice.

Averil, I and educators would like to thank all the families and committee members for providing feedback and support towards the A & R visit, the comments we received were very uplifting and truly prized. We believe given the kind feedback from you we are already valued and triumphant.

Leonie Norman


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