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Term 2

Cooranbong Community Preschool

Term 4 starts next week, but before I chat about the last and second busiest time of our CVC preschool year, I would like to take a moment to reflect on Term 3.

In Term 3 our preschool underwent the National Quality Standard Assessment & Rating process through the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA).

The very good news is our preschool has been rated as Exceeding National Quality Standard under the National Quality Framework.

An overall rating of Exceeding NQS is given to services that go above and beyond the requirements of the NQS in at least four of the seven quality areas, our service achieved six out of seven quality areas.

As you can imagine we are very proud of our achievement, and wish to acknowledge all family, committee and community involvement.

Moving on to Term 4 transition from preschool to ‘big school’ towers above the rest for fifty percent of our families. It is a time of uncertainty and excitement. Emma is providing a supportive authentic transition process for our children and families using all communication means possible with identified schools. Transitional children have been and will continue to be offered many opportunities to engage with ‘big school’ concepts e.g. canteen. 2021 returning children are also benefiting from engaging in these ‘big school’ play opportunities, that offer new knowledge.

Director Leonie Norman

Cooranbong Valley Community Preschool


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