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Term 1 2022

Cooranbong Community Preschool

Dear CVC Families

I would like to welcome you, our returning families, and our new families.

2022 has enormous possibilities for your child to grow through play and connection! For all it will be a year to build on or create meaningful partnerships within our preschool community.

Children grow in so many remarkable ways between the ages of three and school age. Our preschool is committed to providing the highest quality ‘learning through play’ experience for your child in preparation for life.

Our preschool reopens on Friday 28th January for educators with Monday 31st January for families. You will have received notification of your child’s first day back and for our new families time of start. You would have returned your enrolment form with any documentation to support your child’s care and learning. At any time during the year the information initially supplied on the enrolment form may change, please let us know, doing so will continue to support your child, family and our service.

We only have a few requests as far as dress code expectations. Sleeves that cover the shoulders, easy to pull up pants/shorts, supportive footwear, hats that cover the face and back of the neck (wide brimmed). The preschool sells ‘sun safe’ hats and polo shirts in sizes- 3,4,6.

Please remember not to present at the preschool if you or your child are experiencing or displaying COVID symptoms or have been in contact with a person who has or does. Please QR code in and out and always use the hand sanitiser before signing in.

Please know that we value you and your knowledge of your child and your input and could not do without your support. Please feel free to ask or bring any concerns, questions, or recommendations that you may have. You are always welcome. We are here in partnership with you. Thank you for working with us to create a wonderful year for your child.

Warmest regards

Leonie NormanDirector


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