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Preschool Ventures

Cooranbong Community Preschool

Wonderful news! Our CVC Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) has been officially published. You can find our RAP on the Nurragunnawali website put in the postcode 2265 and you will find it!

More wonderful news! The NSW Department of Education has granted preschool families free fees for Term four!

We would like to thank all our families for supporting the new COVID-19 drop off and pick up routine. I believe it went as smoothly as we all hoped and will continue to do so in the future. As you are aware, we cannot predict when we can return to our usual routine but for now, I would like to let parents know that the children are doing very well and have developed further self-help skills. They are competent and organised and know what to do with their bags, food items, hat, hand washing, sunscreen and signing in with a only a little reminding or support on our part.

I consider the change in routine while a little daunting at first will build great self-help skills and work further towards children achieving the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) Learning Outcome CHILDREN HAVE A STRONG IDENTITY- 1.2 Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and sense of agency and 1.3 Children develop knowledgeable and confident self-identities.

It was Early Childhood Educator Day on Wednesday 2nd September; it was a day to celebrate our wonderful early childhood teachers! A Educator ‘Shout Out’ wall was in the courtyard area for families to write a little ‘shout out’ of thanks and place on the board for someone who has done something great/been helpful/inspired your child. The feedback is very kind and we thank all our families for acknowledging all we do :)



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