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Parent Committee

Cooranbong Community Preschool

A Parent Committee who meet at least once per term on a Tuesday morning at 9.20 AM manages the preschool. The meetings provide an opportunity for families and community to have input into the day-to-day running of the service. All families are most welcome to attend. The preschool also provides families with newsletters twice per term. A preschool Facebook page offers updated information, photos and helpful resources.

This year (2019) the preschool has increased their enrolments from twenty to thirty children. The preschool has also employed an additional teacher. The preschool now employs six educators, Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Teaching, three Diploma educators and a Certificate 111 educator across the three operating days. All the educators are looking forward to working with the wonderful Cooranbong Valley Community Preschool children, families, and local community to deliver a learning program that meets and exceeds expectations. I believe 2019 will be an exciting year of growth, learning, possibilities and building new and continuing friendships and partnerships.


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