We will be taking a two-week holiday break; we will be back on Monday 18th July.
Our Frog Bog has been created! On Friday 24th June, children spent the morning working with the crew from Looking Up Landscapes. We now have an oasis in the corner of our bark chip area just waiting for our local amphibians to arrive and set up a home.
Our community Street Library has been repaired and given a face lift; a new roof and door hinges and lock and paint! We would like to thank our local Cooranbong Men’s Shed chaps for all their time, devotion and expertise. Our preschool created the Street Library in 2019 as a literacy project with the aim of ‘take a book, bring a book’ to support and encourage a love of reading and access to books for all.
Cooranbong Community Book Swap Library
Educators will be reintroducing the Zones of Regulation in Term 3. The Zones of Regulation is an approach used to support the development of self-regulation (realisation) in children. The four different coloured zones of blue, yellow, green, and red relate to emotions/feelings; children are supported in recognising and labelling their feelings using the colours. https://www.zonesofregulation.com/index.html
Embedding the Zones of Regulation principles into our preschool practices will further support the National Quality Standards Area 5.2.2 Self-Regulation in our preschool Quality Improvement Process (QIP).
The Zones of Regulations will further assist the ‘Have you filled a bucket today’ book and concept of kindness, fairness and love. We are all working towards being bucket fillers and not bucket dippers. https://empoweredkidsot.com.au/have-you-filled-a-bucket-today-book/
We are starting our Bush Kinder walks! We are hoping to introduce regular bush walks in Term 3 (weather and health restrictions permitting). Watch this space!