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Cooranbong Community Preschool

Dear Families,

The current COVID health situation has seen families and staff affected either as close contacts or positive cases. With this in mind, we ask all families to either phone or email if their child/ren are absent for any reason, health or otherwise. It is important for our preschool to be alerted to any confirmed COVID cases that may affect our operational requirements. The NSW Government has now requested that attendance of children to be recorded in detail using a government spreadsheet to record times and dates of attendance for each child.

The weather is cooling and with-it cold symptoms present, if your child is displaying any cold symptoms resting at home is key rather than them trying to manage a full preschool day. A negative RAT test when a child is displaying cold symptoms is still a transmittal illness.

Cold Symptoms

• Runny or stuffy nose.• Sore throat.• Cough.• Congestion.• Slight body aches or a mild headache.• Sneezing.• Low-grade fever.• Generally feeling unwell.

This week is the last week of Term 1. Holiday days are from Monday 8th April to Tuesday 26th April. Tuesday 26th being a public Anzac day holiday.

I would like to introduce our 2022 Committee members;

Executive membersBelinda McGill- President and interim TreasurerAnn Beirne- Secretary

General committee members

Helen Falk,Quynn Landesmann,Jessika Karhu,Rebecca Harrison,Raquel Andrews,Monica Harrison,Lyndall Morgan-Harding

CCSC Representatives

Peter Truscott,Merle Cozens

Public Officers

Eldon Rosenberg,Barbara Dixon

Public Trustees

Averil McAndrew,Barbara Dixon

Committee meeting summary points;

• The preschool has applied for the Woolworths Junior Landcare grant to renew our Australian native gardens.• We are hoping that we can construct the Frog Bog before the 2021 Woolworths Junior Landcare grant 30th June expiration date.• Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful in receiving the 2021 Start Strong Minor Capital Works funding grant to renovate the outdoor gym.• A fundraising committee has been organised with the hope of securing donations towards our goal to renovate the gym.• Michal Cooper from Jim’s Cleaning Morisset is now our cleaning contractor.• Educators engaged in STADS Fire safety training in March• Cooranbong Men’s Shed will be repairing the Community Street Library.• An AirClean V20 air purifier has been delivered. The InovaAir V20 has been designed for use in clinical environments, primarily for the removal of aerosol-based viral and bacterial contaminants.• New Carpet for the director office and file room will be laid during the holiday period• Two transparent blinds for studio room windows to prevent sun glare will be installed.

Revised and streamlined Children’s Policies verified:

Child Protection Policy,Australian Aboriginal Culture Policy,Child Safe Environments,Children’s Rights and Social Media,Social Equity,Interactions with Children Policy

Our preschool would like to welcome our new and returning committee members and acknowledge the valuable contribution they make to our preschool operations and achievements.

Warmest regardsLeonie


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