Look at all the children’s ideas! The preschool children have been submitting their ideas for the new play gym. Educators have been capturing their ideas and children have been drawing them as well. We are now seeking ideas from our families and local community too! Please jot down any thoughts, drawings or photos and send …
Amazing work NSW SES Cooranbong Unit, thank you for supporting our preschool community in their environmental wildlife project. If you were driving past the Cooranbong Community Services Centre this afternoon and saw SES vehicles, you might have wondered what was happening? They were visiting with our Preschool and helping us put some animal and bird …
A big thank you to Lou (Morisset Bunnings), Ann Maree (Lake Haven Bunnings), Alanna (Bennetts Green Bunnings) for donating garden resources to our preschool towards our Native Bee Project. Thank you Lou, Ann Maree and Alanna for installing the garden beds and soil. The children sowed the bee friendly seeds and planted the Lavender bushes …